Individual Personal Training
Customised training, no matter your level.
At STEAM we understand that everyone is different. So a customised approach is the only way for you to achieve your personal goals efficiently and enjoyably.
That’s what our personal training sessions are all about. Together we look at which trajectory and support best suits your current situation and what you want to achieve.
The emphasis is again on customised training, no matter what your sporting level or experience.
At STEAM: 1h Personal Training = €52.5. Same price for 1, 12, 24 or 55 turns.
Small group training
Sport in small groups, led by an experienced trainer.
Our small group training is similar to personal training. Your progress and training schedules are accurately tracked and monitored, and you still follow one-hour sessions with one of our coaches.
The only difference is that you don’t train alone, but in smaller groups. We limit these groups to a maximum of 4 people, so we can devote enough time and attention to each participant individually. The approach and professionalism are the same, but by not working 1-on-1, this way of training is slightly more affordable than the individual personal training.
MEET LIAM – He is the face at STEAM in Klerken. Young, but so talented. He gained experience through his Sports & Exercise Recreation education, as well as through his internship at Y-MIND. Now he mainly focuses on continuing his education through PHP Ostend and other external training courses.
Curious about his training skills? Book your session now!
Our coaches
Natacha Robaeys
Liam Monein
Renaat Onderbeek
Skillbike coach
Sophie Byster
Anne Van Acker
Joke Vanlerberghe